Our bodies are approximately 60% water, give or take a percentage point or two. And, obesity lessens that to about 45%. Without water, our body can't function properly.
Did you know that most of our cravings are actually our bodies crying out for water. Juices, tea, soda, and the like are liquids, but don't function as a substitute for plain old water.
"But, I don't like water!" It can be an acquired taste, and whilst trying to acquire that taste, use fruits to flavor your water. Pinterest, and other online venues have plenty of fruit and water recipes. My favorite is watermelon, and mint water!
Water is an amazing thing actually! Just two molecules of hydrogen, and one molecule of oxygen. These combine to make this glorious liquid we drink, cook with, shower in, and even stay cool in the summer by swimming! Interesting, isn't it!
Start the day with a glass of water. It helps replenish the body (and kidneys) after a long night of work filtering impurities out of the body. Drink a glass before meals. It helps fill the stomach so you eat less, but feel full. And, drink a glass before bed so your body will be hydrated and can perform the filtration process all over again. Five down, three to go!
"I have water weight gain." Yes, and your body is telling you, I NEED WATER! Drinking water helps alleviate water weight. It takes a few days, but it will break loose, and let go. Just like starvation mode, and weight gain when severely limiting calorie intake, water weight is the body's attempt to store what it needs in times of crisis. Unless told otherwise by your physician, drink up!
Do your body a favor, drink 8 8 oz glasses of water a day. Eight ounces is only one measuring cup. That's not too much for the body to ask, is it?!